Friday, June 21, 2019

Mozart's Women Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mozarts Women - Term Paper ExampleDon Juan changes with generations and the Magic Flute, part of the German folklore, has become a oecumenical tale of striving through the trials and tribulations of life. Comparing the women of two opera houses has proven to be a false reality as most documentation has used fallacies which would be against the purpose of this paper. One example is shown is Kristi Browns, Mozarts Women. She compared Donna Anna to a misfortunate Spanish maiden. She never once considered the social context of use whereas Mozart was writing an Italian opera all utilize the setting and subject matter of Don Juan with an 18th century interpretation as did Moliere use Don Juan in France in the precedent century. Social context were taken into account in two cases. During her lecture of Mozarts two operas, Mrs Brown never took mentioned the social context of the 18th century. It is the purpose of this paper to show how Mozart incorporated the importance into his opera a s a way to integrate his values and judgments as a form of communication as well as dissent. An opera buffa was the style of the period. (Grout 517) It was a light hearted opera which made the audience laugh and also to sell tickets. Mozarts Don Giovanni was opera buffa with much controversy. There was much watchword as the theme was thought to be too serious for a funny opera. People usually did non die nor were audiences frightened by stoned statues. Mozarts using three women characters was his own characteristic tool enabling to mix reality with storytelling. Gounoud wrote in the 19th century Don Giovanni was an apogee of the lyrical drama, a wondrous example of truth, beauty of form, appropriateness of characterization, deep insight into the drama, purity of style, .charm and tenderness in the love passages, and power in pathos. (Krehbiel 69) Don Giovanni offer be viewed as an archetype of every man or womans alter ego, a man who faces that eternal conflict of the tension, d esire and craving for love, and the struggle amongst emotion and reason, the spirit and the flesh, or the sacred and the profane. (Ballantine 19) In the 18th century period of Enlightenment, women were given intellectual and artistic liberties that the Don Juan of Moliere would never capture had. These liberties were accepted as long as women adhered to the habits of the domestic life as well as appearing to support ones husband. Sexuality was open but dirty dog the screen. Donna Anna, had she been scorned by Don Giovanni by our standards, she would have been considered as having been raped. Had she been scorned by the standards of the 18th century of Enlightenment, it would be possible to assume that he only shamed her future position as an aristocratic. Her role was to maintain the household and support her husband in appearance? Nowhere in the opera is it verbalize why she is scorned, a 21rst century assumption is being made because of Don Giovannis past histories with women . Much controversy has been made in literature to the extent of the role women played in the period of Enlightenment. Needless to say, Mozart was highly touched by the dichotomy of the role of women. His wife would forgive him for his philander with servant girls but not with educated or artistic(Stafford 119) (Paumgartner, Mozart, 273). To the extent this showed the sexual freedom of 18th century Italy. It was quite common to have extra marital affairs for both men and women. In prenuptial agreements, women were allowed their cicisbeo or man

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